(Lynn and Claire, Internet Cafe, Auckland, NZ)
After 26 hours of travel and about 7,ooo miles we arrived to a rainy Sunday morning in Auckland. We made the best of the day despite some pretty significant jet-lag. We visited "The Antarctic Experience", a really cool aquarium/penguin habitat with great examples of the different marine life we'll experience here. They had a giant squid on display about 10 feet long. There are killer asian restaurants from China, India, Malaysia and Thailand. Phillip will get his fill of sushi here! Phillip, Claire, and Anna couldn't fight it anymore and fell asleep around 6pm local time- while the rest of us could only make it until 8 before passing out. We all popped up around 5am feeling great and ready for an exciting day! The sun is out this morning, too.(Yeah!)
This morning we present our credentials to a medical council representative to get our work permits finalized, then we are taking a taxi-van the 100 miles to Whangarei (pronounced 'funguray') and our new house for the next 6 weeks.
For those of you planning to visit- Air New Zealand is great with video screens at every seat with hundreds of movies on demand, video games, music, etc.- comfortable seats, good food, and very nice flight attendants.
We'll add some Auckland pics once we get on our computer.