Monday, May 12, 2008

Dawn-Monday May 12-Happy Mother's Day to all. We had a great weekend. We were invited on Saturday to have lunch with some of my co-workers at Dr.Wei's "lifestyle block" which is a 14 acre farm with fruit trees (limes, lemons,apples, pears,peach, etc), macedemia nut orchard, vegetable garden, olive grove etc. After having an authentic Asian lunch (he is from Hong Kong and his wife is from the Phillipines and they have 5 kids pictured with our children at the farm; other co-workers are from the UK and South Africa), We walked the property and ate fresh tangerines, passion fruit, freijoa, figs, nuts we picked from the trees. The weather is cool at night and in the morning but has glorious warming sunshine as the day goes on and occasional quick periodic misting rain then back to glorious sunshine. Sunday morning we dressed for church and went to view a rental house at 8:00 am. We think this is the one and need to contact the school today. We ended up spending the whole morning in this small beachside community. The mountains and beach pictures are there. The house is on the bay and within walking distance from a charming 100 person school with great ratings. The school sits at the base of the "heads" of rock pictured on top of the mountain. Many have asked for our address and we will post it as soon as we move in. Kiwis say "no worries" but what they mean is "no hurries".
Yesterday afternoon we were invited to a pastor named Miguel's house to have dinner with his beautiful wife and 6 kids. Miguel was Lynn's very first patient in the hospital. He has a lung problem and had been told it would take a year to see a pulmonologist. He had his church praying for us and stayed in the hospital extra days so he could see Lynn. His family is beautiful with his wife being from El Salvador and his Cuban background (parents are Cuban refugees with an incredible story). She also has an incredible life story which shows God's love, emotional healing, and restoration of broken families. The food was a wonderful mix of rice, meat, and black beans. They were both raised in California and are American missionary churchplanters who lived in Costa Rica and have been here 2 years. We had a wonderful time of fellowship just talking about how we became followers of Christ and where he has lead us and taught us through difficult circumstances. It was very encouraging to us. You can see our kids enjoying time with them too.


Unknown said...

Happy late Mother's Day! Your pictures are Great!!!!! We are going through some major Nichols withdrawals. We really miss you guys and are praying for you all the time. Can't wait to talk to you soon. Hope the house works out for you. Hugs and kisses to everyone!!


Sister, we need each other! said...

I love the pictures and all the updates.. it seems that you are all settling well and soon will have a complete "home"... I am eager to send you some "tool" of evangelism to help you on your journey! All 6 of you are in my thoughts and prayers daily!

Summer Jo

Unknown said...

I am just catching up - happy belated Mother's Day. I am so happy to see you are meeting people. We are praying for you and so glad to see that God's work is taking place! We miss you!