Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Common questions- Part 1

(Lynn here!)
I want to answer the most common questions we are hearing as our departure date nears.

Where are you going?
Whangarei, New Zealand for about 1 year.

What's up with the 'fruity' blog name?
A kiwi is not just for breakfast anymore. People from New Zealand refer to themselves as Kiwis. They have the Kiwi bird and they grow alot of kiwi fruit. We are going there to medically serve the people- hence 'kiwiserve'- not to serve the birds or the fruit, although I'm sure they are quite nice, as well.

I thought you were going on a mission trip- like to Africa or something?
This year represents a mission abroad for the entire family. Everyone is sacrificing. No, we are not risking life and limb and foregoing running water in a third world country. Dawn and I have both done that before and have no interest in taking 4 elementary school age children into that environment. We are, however, going halfway around the world to provide needed medical care to a place and people we feel called to serve. We have been told the church needs help and will be ready to work hard with our brothers and sisters in Christ as they show us the need. Our children will be exposed to a world beyond the US borders which will not only teach them about New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, etc.- but will make them appreciate what we take for granted at home. I have learned that 'mission' is a slippery term- everyone has different notions of what it means. I like to simplify it: a person's (or family's) mission is doing the deeds set before you in the service of God and people as directed by conscience, desires, and ultimately, obedience to a calling. The location can range from the house next door to the poorest places on the planet. For the next 12 months our calling is to New Zealand and we are very excited about it. We thank you for joining us and supporting us with your words of encouragement and prayers.

God bless you and yours!


Sister, we need each other! said...

I am so glad that you gave more information about your trip! I particularly enjoyed your definition of “mission” … I think we often forget about the people next door…. I wish all 6 of you all the best in the world and will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers!

Baumann said...

It was great to read about your upcoming trip, thanks to your blog! Having been an MK for 6 years, the mission field is close to my heart. It is pretty awesome to know that you are answering Christ's call as a family! Although I will miss teaching your little one, I know that she will have incredible opportunities over the coming year. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers!

Meredith said...

Thank you so much for your link to your blog in service yesterday! I cannot wait to see what God has planned for you all over in New Zealand! However, I will miss each and every one of you dearly!!!!! I will be sure to write a lot and send you lots of pictures!! You all have meant more to me than you know!! Thank you for being such a wonderful and Godly example for me to look up to. I can't wait to see you in a year!!! Keep me posted on things!! Love you all!

Sarah said...

Great to see your blog. I'm praying for visas and good health. Let us know how things are going.
